Variety Development
We are investigating food and soil building quality in globally sources and regionally adapted fava bean varieties. The ultimate goal of this work is to provide traditionally developed varieties to local growers. These trials are being conducted with partners at Chico State University, Fresno State University, Cal Poly Pomona, Lundberg Family Farms, and the USDA.
Crop Management
A good fava bean crop is largely dependent on the amount of work you put into it! Tse experiments examine the types of inputs (e.g. nutrients and irrigation), harvesting methods, and cropping systems (e.g. orchard alley cropping and rotations in rice lands) that growers can use to reduce environmental impacts and increase their economic returns.
Food Science
While fava bean was domesticated more than 10,000 years ago, it has been underutilized in American cuisine. Our team of food scientists at Chico State are investigating ways of using the whole pods, beans, and flour in new and exciting ways! Please reach out to us if you have any interest in partnering on food preparation or recipe development!
Fava Bean
Plant Materials Gallery
Check out the amazing fava bean varieties that we grow at Chico State and Fresno State Universities. These varieties come from every corner of the globe and represent much of the crop’s diversity!